Life, the Universe, MS & Me

Petition and govt response
August 14, 2010, 9:21 am
Filed under: life, MS | Tags: ,

Earlier this year a petition was posted on the number 10 website. It was this:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to deliver on the rights of every person with multiple sclerosis to world-class healthcare, to independence and to support to lead a full life.

The detail of the petition was as follows:

More details from petition creator

We call upon the UK Government to take immediate action to improve the lives of the UK’s 100,000 people living with MS by committing to delivering on their rights to:
– Quality and specialist health care throughout life, including fair access to the right drugs and treatments.
– Personalised care and support, wheelchairs and enabling equipment to live independently.
– Support in and out of work, and support for carers.

MS is a complex, unpredictable condition with no known cure. MS can have a serious and progressive impact on a person’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, and can lead to severe and permanent disability. Across the UK, serious inequalities in access to drugs, treatments, enabling equipment and support services mean that people with MS are being denied their entitlements every day. We believe that the Government has a duty to ensure that every person with MS in the UK gets the quality care and support they need in order to live their lives to the full.

This was the response as posted by HM Government, unfortuately it has to be a link because it is not posted in such a way that it can be copied and pasted. Like it’s a secret or something. Bad govt.

found here

Now, I’m not really going to discuss this too much because I’m not sure what to make of it. Is it adequate or is it just a bunch of words?

I will note this though. There was not element in the response relating to support in work. We do want to work. At least whilst we can. And also need the transition to being a non worker to be smooth and as stressless as possible. My workplace gives me so much trouble. I realise it’s technically covered by existing legislation but the nature of the illness being what it is….

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The NSF is being built on anyway and is work in progress. The other initiatives mentioned are also ongoing and apply to all people with disabilities. I think the changes that are planned will be of benefit to those with MS, but there is nothing here that is specific to the needs of people with MS

Comment by Annette

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